SECCC: 5 Firsts, 6 Seconds and 3 ThirdsCCC: 4 Firsts, 5 Seconds, 7 Thirds
Lest you think it was a close competition, they had only 6 people participating, while we had 16 members participating.
We all have room for improvement and I hope the judges comments were helpful. Judges are looking closely at focus, exposure, composition and originality but judging is also very subjective and a judge's emotions can result in a gain or loss of points.
Do not be discouraged by a low score or too elated by a good score. I saw scores I thought were too low and others I thought were too high. The important thing is to keep striving to improve your work and use these competitions as general guidelines not absolute truths.
More details of award winners will be in the next newsletter.
Thanks to all who did participate. And congratulations to award winners. Nice job!