1. The "Portfolios" exhibit at Connecticut Hospice in Branford runs through March 28. [Exhibitors, don't forget to retrieve your work anytime on the 29th]. It is worth your while to take a look at what other members are doing so take a little detour down there. If you haven't done a portfolio show yet, put it on your list for next year. We'd love to be able to fill the whole wall next time.
2. Our first ever exhibit is up at the Madison Senior Center. And it is the first art exhibit ever at the Center. CCC donated half the cost of the newly installed hanging system. It is part of our mission statement to bring art to the public. Photography is a visual art and we are pleased to share our work with the community in this way. Eight members volunteered to exhibit their work this time. The opening reception is tonight from 7 - 9 PM. I hope club members will come out to support the show. It will run from March 4th to April 12th.
3. Member Sally Perreten is one of three photographers exhibiting at the Studio 33 Art and Frame Gallery in New London. Show runs from March 4th through March 29th. Opening reception is March 15th from 5:30-8. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
See http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=991896e9f2c326caf2ff1e814&id=5bfba7b54e&e=4fbec76d5f for complete information.