Here is how this will work--
1-- you send an email to Peter Chow and Maryann Flick ([email protected], [email protected]) and attach an unedited and an edited version of the same image. In the body of the email you will write out your questions and any areas of concern that you want feedback.
2-- I will post the two versions as well as the write-up on the Blog. It is important that you write out your questions and concerns so that I can cut and paste them onto the Blog.
3--if you choose, you may post a revised version after you read some of the comments by emailing Peter and Maryann with the revised version. This is optional so no pressure. You must do this within 14 days of the initial posting.
4--after 14 days of the initial posting another person's work will be posted and the whole process starts over.
5--the order of posting is in the order of the emails received.
6--you may send another email for another posting after yours go live.
Your posting will be anonymous. So if you are a little shy about sharing there is no need.