Since I went to the NECCC conference under the auspices of the club, I thought I would report on my impressions. IT appeared to me that the overall theme of the meeting was "bucking the trends". (My theme, not the organizations) There were two very good presentations by Denise Ippolito and Arthur Morris on creating Pleasing Blurs and Denise also conducted a flower program. Both presentations called for the acceptance of creative,artistic, blurred images.
The renowned Ian Plant completely ripped the current thinking on composition. He indicated that the the world's great artists did not use the "rule of thirds", and some of world' great images were dead center Ala The last Supper. He indicated dead center is fine as long as there are other interesting elements to counter balance the middle one. He indicated he has never won a camera club competition.
Macro photographer, Andrey Antov, only crops his images; he does not edit them in photoshop. Sam Abell, retired from National Geographic, never edits his photos in Photoshop, and he purposely does not correct flaws. A few of his images are on the list of 50 best ever National Geographic images. Cemial Ekin gave a presentation on B&W conversions. He does not use the black and white conversion modular in Lightroom for making the conversion, but uses the basic LR tools to generate B&W images.
The length of the presentations were extended this year to and hour and a half because prior attendees thought there was not enough time especially for questions, and there was too little time to get to the next presentation. This year many people including me, thought that the presentations were too long and should be reduced to around and hour and fifteen minutes. Also folks attending prior years indicated there were fewer presentations this year.
The club was well reprsendted by Louis, Betsy, Pat and Dianne.
Overall, I would say I got a lot out of the confrence and it was a rewarding experience. It certainly demonstrated that the constraints in photography are diminishing.